The Simplified Checklist for: Wedding-Planning

Planning a wedding from scratch can be exciting yet overwhelming for some. To potentially make things a little simpler for you, here’s a simplified wedding-planning checklist that you can refer to while planning for your dream wedding.  

Approximately 9-12 months before wedding – Date, Budget, Venue, Guestlist 

The date, budget, and venue for the wedding are some of the things that should be decided by the couple right from the start of wedding planning.  You may also think of your preferred wedding theme, if any, and find a venue that can cater to it. A rough Guestlist should also be prepared around this time, as the number of guests needs to be taken into consideration for the venue chosen. It is a good idea to start looking out for potential partner vendors (refer to next point below) and shortlisting a few. 

Some things we are excluding from this checklist would be proposal and pre-wedding shoot, which should be done by this time. Honeymoon planning should also be done around this timeframe, but we would not be counting it under wedding-planning checklist.  

Approximately 6-9 months before wedding – Partner Vendors & save-the-date 

This is the period to confirm your dream vendor to partner with. The vendor list may vary from couple to couple, depending on what you would like to have in your dream wedding. Gown rentals, photographers, videographers, emcee, floral artist, make-up artist, hairstylist are just some of the common vendors that most wedding would hire. If preferred, save-the-dates can be sent out. 


Approximately 3-6 months before wedding – Invites, Menu, Wedding Bands 

Actual wedding invites can be sent during this timeframe. Food tasting usually happens within this timeframe, and menu should be finalised after. Buy your wedding bands. 


Approximately 1-3 months before wedding – Trials, Seating, Door Gifts 

This is the period for have all the trials and mock-ups needed. Examples include make-up & hairstyle trial, floral mock-up, etc. The guestlist should be finalised with the final headcount, and seating arrangements can be planned during this time. Doorgifts are to be decided and arranged. Wedding song lists and  


Last few weeks before wedding – Final preparations and last-minute touches 

Final gown and suit fitting would be done. The last-minute things should be prepared, and this would differ for every couples. For couples who are having solemnisation on the wedding say, make sure the needed documents are prepared. For couples having tea ceremony together, make sure that red packets are prepared.  


With that, what’s left is to enjoy the big day!