Timeless elegance of Abacus Jewellery

Introduction of Abacus Jewellery 

Abacus jewellery is known to be inspired by the ancient counting tool abacus that was traditionally used for counting and performing mathematical operations such as addition and subtraction. It has always been a popular design choice for jewellery. 

 The abacus is traditionally made with a frame that holds rods on which movable beads are placed. The beads stand for digits, and they are moved as calculations are performed. Abacus jewellery is often a handmade miniature version, and the high level of intricacy reflects the skill and dedication of the craftsmen. 


Brief History & Symbolism of Abacus  

Historically, the abacus has played a significant role in various cultures, from ancient China to the Middle East. It symbolizes wisdom, education, and the importance of calculation and order in life. By integrating the abacus into jewellery, meaningful pieces that serve as a reminder of the value of knowledge and the beauty of tradition are created. 


Things to note when buying Abacus Jewellery 

When shopping for a gold abacus jewellery, there are a few things to take note of.  

  • Make sure that the beads are all movable for maximum luck as the beads are supposed to be used for calculating luck and solving money problems.  
  • Find abacus jewellery with design that you really like! Abacus jewellery now comes in many different types and designs, and you should choose one that you can wear or keep for a long time. 
  • Try not to sell off their gold abacus jewellery as some believe that by doing so, they will be selling off their own wealth luck.  
  • Find a size that fits comfortably. Things might not go as smoothly if your jewellery is not comfortable!  

 Ending note

Abacus jewellery is a wonderful gift choice whether for yourself or as a thoughtful gift to your loved ones. Abacus jewellery is more than just a fashion statement; it’s a celebration of culture, craftsmanship, and more.